Hodi lidera ba loron restaurasaun
Independensia iha loron 20 de Maio 2016, FM sei aprezenta prefillu badak balun
kona-ba fatin importante sira konaba luta ba independensia Timor-Leste nian.
Munisipiu Aileu
Sekarik ita-boot sira ohin loron atu
vizita suco Aisirimou iha Municipiu Aileu, ita-boot sira sei hetan estatua boot
ida husi Saudozu Presidenti Nicolau Lobato iha sentru dame rai-klerek nian,
haree hale’u iha komunidade hanesan fornesedor ne’ebe orgullu husi Timoroan mos
hanesan memória ida. Komemorasaun 2014 nian, estatua ne’e hari’i iha Aileu
lao’s deit hanesan rekuinesementu ida deit husi sakrifisiu sira ne’ebe halo ona
husi heroe Timoroan sira ne’ebe monu ba sira nia luta iha ukun rasik-an, maibe
mos hanesan sasin ida ba istoria kmanek husi Aileu iha politika no luta armada
hasoru kolonialista Portugues no okupasaun Indonezia.
Aileu nia lokalizasaun husi foho-letek
ho deit oras balun husi parte Sul Dili nian ne’ebe sai hanesan baze segundu
husi operasaun ba Independensia Timoroan no rezistensia. Depois golpe husi UDT
iha loron 11 Agustu 1975, Comite Central Fretilin halo operasaun maka’as husi
Aileu hodi kontinua ba operasaun Anti-UDTnian. Iha ne’eba suco Aisirimou, Fretilin
ho komitmentu hodi hakbesik forsa ba liberdade ho fundamentu husi Falintil.
husi foho-oan Aileu nian movimentu ba independensia ida moris hodi lori povu
Timoroan liuhosi tinan 34 rezistensia hasoru okupasaun Indonezia.
Aileu kontinua serve hanesan baze ba
operasaun liuhosi restu husi 1975 hanesan Fretilin kontra atake hodi obriga UDT
leál hasoru rai-ketan Indonesia no prense poder mamuk ne’ebe husik hela husi
governasaun Portugues. Hanesan Comite Central Fretilin konsolida ninia vitoria
hasoru UDT, prisonaru Fretilin (lideransa UDT no membru partidu bai-bain sira)
mos lori hodi detein iha suco Aisirimou no Aileu.
Durante inisiu Indonezia dudu maka’as
hasoru forsa pro-independensia, Aileu dala ida tan serve hanesan fatin ida ba
refujiadus ba povu Timoroan hodi hakma’an reorganiza an. Dili fatin ne’ebe
prepara ba invasaun imidiatamente husi militar Indonezia. Maioria populasaun
evakua ba sidade, no familia barak mak halai sai ba hases an iha foho sira iha
Munucipiu Aileu nian.
Iha tempu dadaun ne’e, Aileu hamriik
firme hanesan fatin ida durante tempu konflitu iha Dili no nasaun nian. Liu-liu
durante esplozaun atake husi forsa Indonesia hasoru referendu iha tinan 1999,
familia barak hakat ba tasi-feto nomos liu ba parte sul iha foho-oan hodi hein
atake ne’e iha fatin ne’ebe seguru.
Ba tempu naruk, Timor-Leste halo funu ba
ninia luta ba ukun rasik-an, Aileu sai hanesan fatin ne’ebe importante ba baze
Fretilin nian iha tinan 1975, ba formasaun Falintil nian nomos ba familia
Timoroan sira ne’ebe buka mahon iha tempu kolonial Portugues nian, okupasaun
Indonezia, nomos violensia derepente iha kapital. Ohin loron estatua husi
saudozu Nicolau Lobato hamriik iha fatin neba suco Aisirimou ho nonok kaer
metin ra’an ba dekade balun nia laran, kosar-been no mos matan-been hodi luta
ba ukun rasik-an.
Bazeia ba Comissão de Acolhimento,
Verdade e Reconciliação de Timor Leste (CAVR) Chega! Relatoriu (2005), kona-ba
Aileu refere ba periodu 3 husi relatoriu ne’e. Disponivel iha ne’e:
Significant Landmarks in the Struggle for Independence
In the lead up to Restoration of Independence Day on 20 May 2016, FM
will present a number of short profiles on places of significance in the
struggle for Independence in Timor-Leste.
Aileu Municipality
If you today were to visit Suco Aisirimou in Aileu District, you would
encounter a massive bust of President Nicolau Lobato in the center of a
peaceful clearing, looking out over the community as a purveyor of Timorese
pride and memory. Commemorated in 2014, this statue stands in Aileu not only as
a recognition of the sacrifices made by Timorese heroes who fell in their fight
for independence, but also as a testament to the grand history of Aileu in the political
and armed fight against Portuguese colonialism and Indonesian occupation.
Aileu’s location over the crest of mountains just a few hours south of
Dili has made it a natural secondary base of operations for Timorese
independence and resistance struggles. Following the attempted coup by the UDT
on August 11, 1975, the Fretilin Central Committee fully operated from Aileu to
continue anti-UDT operations. It was there in Suco Aisirimou that Fretilin
fully committed to an armed approach to liberation with the foundation of
Falintil. From the hills of Aileu a movement for independence was born that
would carry the Timorese people through 34 years of resistance to occupation.
Aileu continued to serve as the base for operations through the
remainder of 1975 as the Fretilin counter-offensive pushed UDT loyalists
towards the Indonesian border and filled the power vacuum left by the departing
Portuguese administration. As the Fretilin Central Committee consolidated its
victories against the UDT, Fretilin prisoners (UDT leaders and ordinary party
members) were also brought en masse for imprisonment in Suco Aisirimou and
During the initial Indonesian push through against the pro-independence
forces, Aileu once again served as a place for refuge for the Timorese people.
As Dili prepared for the imminent invasion of the Indonesian military, most of
the population evacuated the city, and many families fled to seek shelter in
the hills of Aileu.
In more recent times, Aileu has continued to stand as a place of refuge
during times of conflict in Dili and the country. Most notably, during the
explosion of violence from Indonesian forces following the referendum in 1999,
many families across the north coast again made the climb south into the hills
to wait out the violence in the relative safety.
For as long as Timor-Leste has waged its fight for independence, Aileu
has been a crucial haven—for Fretilin’s base in 1975, for Falintil’s formation,
and for Timorese families seeking refuge in Portuguese colonial times, Indonesian
occupation, and surges of violence in the capital. Today, the statue of
President Nicolau Lobato stands in that clearing in Suco Aisirimou as if to
silently capture to weight of the decades of blood, sweat, and tears shed in
Aileu in the fight for independence.
Based on the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in
Timor-Leste’s (CAVR) Chega! Report (2005), for more on Aileu refer to Chapters
3 of the Report available here:
Fundasaun Mahein
Publicada por TIMOR AGORA
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