quinta-feira, 20 de abril de 2017

"Men have much more difficulty than women to overflow their feelings"


It's amazing how personal misunderstandings are causing so much pain and suffering. So much misery and loneliness. Depression, dementia and sometimes death! 
The man animal is more distant from the other, more materialistic, but more fragile and one must be very careful in speaking and acting. 

Our relationships with all those around us, with those with whom we interact, must always be productive, encouraging, fruitful. And it will depend a lot on our spirit of love, understanding and bestowal. 

Isolation is never healthy and will never help anyone solve their behavioral difficulties. We are all sociable by nature. Why then row against the tide? 
And everyone, without exception, appreciates and desires happy, high-spirited and well-being companies with life around them. And we need to share the good things that happen to us and also talk about the difficulties and problems of our daily lives, the people we trust. This is very important and should not be forgotten. Men have much more difficulty than women to vent their feelings and anguishes, and this needs to be addressed and corrected. 
So surround yourself with people of character, people with established principles, and turn to them when you need them because they will build you, encourage you, and make you grow when you feel diminished. 

It is interesting to note that the discussions, the clashes, the brawls between people, in the vast majority of cases are caused by misunderstanding of what was heard or what was said. Studies show that in only 1% of the cases of fights, there is in fact bad intention on the part of one of the contenders and according to researches of human psychology, what happens almost always is misinterpretation of the words used. And this creates a damn mess! 
And when someone misinterprets it, he responds roughly and hurts his interlocutor far beyond his account. And the tranquility and the mood of concord disappear. And here comes the silence. 

And this silence after discussions is awfully embarrassing and needs to be eliminated if we really want to live well and at peace with everyone. 

I believe that the best time to discuss impasses is in this interval where silence reigns, unless the moods are too fierce. 

But first disarm yourself and understand that no one owns the truth. Respect your fellow man and seek understand your point of view by putting yourself in his place. The most important thing is to always live in a spirit of celebration and joy. 

Remember that on occasions when you imagine that you are right in a particular discussion, you may be completely mistaken in the opinion of the other. The only valid truth is when there is consensus between both parties. 

We need to be friends, confidants and I think we should always forgive when we realize that the other has made its mistake, otherwise our relationships will be greatly impaired. 

On the other hand we must move away from people who have bad influence, when we knowingly try to change their procedure and fail. 

Pray for your relationships and pray for reconciliation and peace on all issues that need some solution, because it is the fervent prayer that persuades God to act on our behalf. We are all completely dependent on God. 

Never hate anyone because everyone who hates his brother is already in darkness. It is necessary to learn not to judge and despise no one. 
In Matthew 5: 23 and 2: it is written that before we offer anything to God we need to reconcile with our brother. 

In John 13: 34 and 35 we read: "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; Even as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. " 

Observe and meditate on how much wonderful thing and how much preciousness has died in our lives. Raise these graces in your life. It is possible if you strive and struggle to get them back. Believe, have faith and be very happy. 

And change your behavior, if necessary, because it is better to be happy than wanting to be right. 

with love 

João Antonio Pagliosa 
Agronomic Engineer. UFRRJ in 1972 
Servus Useful from GOD as of 2007 

Curitiba, February 15, 2017

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