quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2016

How to get along with life... Very NICE!!!

Situação crítica e aposta infeliz - Jornal O GuaíraHow to get along with life.....very Nice!!!

I’ve learned from a long time ago that we need to eat slowly, chew a lot and always leave the table without eating a lot. This is very important to lose weight ans stay healthy!

Leaving the table and still feel like eating more is wise...

In a determined situation, still in the 90’s, I was staying at Le Meridien Montparnasse Hotel, in Paris,and after one bussiness Day, I had refused formal invitations and decided to have dinner alone at the restaurant inside the hotel.

I had a great time with myself and stayed more than two hours at the table, and had tasted several kinds of food. Of course that I used good sense, balance and a lot of time.

French people are fantastic when it comes to food.

Always small portions. Always amazing and exotic flavors.

In France, according to what I had heard, it takes about sixty minutes to have lunch/ dinner. In Brazil the average time is around twenty minutes. That’s a loto f difference, isn’t that?

French people are thinner( more healthy) than the brazilians or North american( as aa example).

Fast food are all very practical, but not obviously interesting for your health. That’s a fact!!!

Chewing many times, enjoy every forkfull, feel the pleasure of each flavor are very wise and interesting for your health, for your digestion sistem and your inside and outside beauty.

I also think it is Nice to play with your mind and very often I do that with my brains. I learned with Albert Einstein and I like to copy the good habits of a scientist or friends or whoever it may be.

Playing with your mind is to create fantasies that cheer up and make our soul much happier.

For example,when I eat some brócolis( almost insipid) or less tasty, I imagine my cells very happy because they know that they are about to receive a very good and strong quantity of vitamins and minerals necessary for multiple functions of metabolism. If they are happy I am happy....simple as that!!!

Or I imagine that piece of brocolli mixed with chocolate syrup...the your mouth Waters and it is easier to swallow. And eating needs to be very slow...like everything in the nature!!!!

Remember, if our feeding is not in order, the medicine we take won’t cause the necessary effects, but if our feeding process is balanced we won’t need those medicines.

Hypocratis, the father of medicine, around three hundred years before Christ used to say:

“May your feeding be your only medicine”.

Well.....nothing more obvious because we are what we eat...

Take care, brother...

Joao Antonio Pagliosa

Curitiba, September 05th, 2016

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