terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2016


Men are gifted! And it is necessary to improve themselves, whenever possible, if we want to continue to achieve progress.
It is necessary to put a lot of efforts in every step you make, in order to achieve success. There will always be bad moments to face that need to be understood and overcome. These bad moments must be something to stimulate their growth; by the way, the world of business is not something easy to deal with.
A recent research shows that most of Brazilians are not happy with their jobs and careers. They say that do not do what they like. They basically go with the flow. This is definitly wrong!
I have a friend that I had met about three weeks. He is a lawier, has a good heart and loves to give away good things to people around him. He does it with pure love that comes deep from his heart in a natural and spontaneous way.
We talked for a couple of minutes and I had noticed that he has a great knowledge of what he does but he works only in the morning. In the afternoon he is at a pub having beer and chating with his friends.
I noticed this scenery five times in a three weeks period and had decided to ask him: “I don’t understand how come such an intelligent professional like you, spends his afternoon drinking and chating instead of searching for a professional improvement.”
So, he answered: “My dear friend Pagliosa, do you know how much, I made this morning? R$2.500,00 (two thousands and five hundred reais). Is it good enough for you? Don’t you think that I have the right to drink now?”
I said: “Oh yes, you have this right because everybody has freedom to do things, but we will always pay a high and bitter price when we think about desires of our flesh. You are destroying yourself.”
I said that in a way that I want to help him. I want to help him!
About his reaction? He stared at me in the eye and, surprised with my words, had thanked me and hugged me.
Sometimes we need say what people need to hear, even you don’t please them. There are lives that need attention and support. They need time!
So, I continued with my work, thankful to God for the opportunity to serve and asking to myself: Would he follow my advice?
Dear reader, I have never seen our country going trought, such a critical situation in any of mine 67 years of age.   The crisis is not only in the economy, it is political and social, it is institutional. And Mr. Delfim Neto (an expert in economy), said three days ago: “Brazil is a normal country, its government isn’t,”
The government make many mistakes. They steal and corrupt normal people of our country, making us give up to fight against them.
They act like this friend at the pub that can’t see a promissory and better scenery and definetly tomorrow’s actions.
There are thousands and thousands of lethargic talents around us. They see the actions of bad people going on forever and that they still remain impunished. This make people lose the enthusiasm to fight back!
This is a real tragedy because the country is totally able to overcome the problems, but these peoples need to be heard and understood. They need to be helped! What man need is love. God is love!
If we follow God, we will have an abundant life! Crisis will be rapidly solved and gratitude and happiness will possess our heart.

João António Pagliosa
Curitiba, 23 de agosto de 2016.

Post scriptum: This article was written in december 2015, when Dilma Rousseff was president, in Brazil.

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